Make a Difference

Help change a life trajectory. Contribute to Friends of WEH.

We appreciate your donations that help us support students and women in Cameroon. Friends of WEH is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible.

To donate to Friends of WEH and help us change and empower lives, please choose from the following options.


Use PayPal to donate via a bank account or credit card.


Write a check payable to Friends of WEH and mail it to: 

    Friends of WEH
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd. #573
Portland OR 97206


Amazon Smile

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Go to Under the search box, click "supporting" and search for Friends of WEH. Whenever you order through that link, Amazon will automatically send Friends of WEH a donation equaling 0.5% of your purchase!

Thank you!

For your donations to Friends of WEH, you will receive an acknowledgement for your tax record.